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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Grad School Begins

Todd is now a grad student, as his t-shirt and stress level readily confirm. I'm sure he would appreciate your prayers. The assignments have already started pouring in. It's going to be an interesting two years! aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

Well, we exchanged our Abraham Lincolns for a couple of Georgia peaches. If you don't know what I mean, just wait until your next visit to the DMV! (The peaches down here are AMAZING! These ones are from a fresh produce stand. Mmmm Mmmmmmm....)

Joel is still trying to get the forward motion going with his crawling. He can go backwards all day long, but he still is working on getting anywhere going in the other direction!

He looooooves bathtime!

All clean and ready for bed!


Heather L. said...

I would love some of those peaches. :)

well, a whole new adventure begins now with grad school! i hope things go well for Todd!

Joel is just adorable! He looks like he's at a really fun stage!

Andria said...

Oh my, they're soooo good down here!

Yes, it is quite the adventure. Poor Todd, he's pretty much buried right now. I'm sure you remember those days well.