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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hi, Y'all!

Hello to everyone back in IL and WI. WE MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to update the blog. We weren't able to get our Internet up and running until late last evening. Now all I need to do is uncover my camera battery charger and I'll be able to put up some pictures. Thanks to Vonage, our old phone number is still functioning until we get a local number: 847.622.7471. Call anytime!

After a lovely visit with family in WI and a family reunion at a beach house in IN, we tearfully pulled away and began our long 14-hour journey. We made it to Bowling Green, KY the first night and then drove the rest of the way to Atlanta on Thursday, August 7th. Our ReloCubes providentially arrived just half an hour after we did. Todd and my brother Aaron (who made the drive with us) unloaded essentials on Thursday night and then spent the whole day on Friday getting things unloaded and into the house. The Lord blessed and everything came through the move just fine. A big answer to prayer was that the organ still worked perfectly when we plugged it in! Phew! The place was bigger than I remembered it being, which has been really nice. Aaron was such a help to us...not only did he sit in the back with Joel for most of the drive (earning him the "Favorite Uncle" status...=)), but he took the stress out of moving in with his fun sense of humor and supportive, loving help. THANK YOU, AARON!!!

Todd's family arrived from PA on Saturday, the 9th, and just left this afternoon after providing lots of help and encouragement as we set up house. Todd's mom made all of our meals, so I've been able to unpack and really haven't had to cook since we got here. Soooooo nice! THANK YOU, MOM!!! Todd's little brother, Biff, spent many hours putting together the computer table, chair, and bookshelf and working to get our Internet up and running (including a VERY interesting hour+ long conversation with a less-than-competent AT&T support member!!). THANK YOU, BIFF!

On Sunday, the 10th we all went to church at Westminster Pres here in Decatur with some Alexander family friends. We'll probably be attending their first-Sunday-evening-of-the-month worship services and a Sunday evening community group. They also have a Moms and Tots get-together every other week, which I was invited to attend.

Thank you to everyone who has been praying about Todd's job situation. Here's a quick update: He had an interview with Schlueter pipe organs on Monday morning, an interview at a Baptist church on Monday afternoon, and he's presently at an interview with an Episcopal church about an hour away. Lots of interviews going on these days! The owner of Schlueter pipe organs is a strong Christian and took a real interest in Todd. He will be giving him part-time tuning work, but more importantly, he may be instrumental in getting Todd an organist position at his church, an Evangelical Anglican church just half an hour away from us. Their current organist will probably be phasing out by the end of the year, but they are interested in having Todd substitute 2-3 Sundays per month until he could take over the organist position. Todd has a few other substitute possibilities, so it just might work (along with the organ tuning). We're excited to see how all of this will unfold.

I had my first choir rehearsal last night, and it went really well. The 10 choir members were all very nice and made me feel welcome and at home. This Sunday will be my first Sunday at the church, so I'm practicing away and doing my best to be ready.

Joel is doing as well as can be expected. I think he's still kind of wondering where he is, but hopefully that will settle as soon as I get his room finished. He needs to see those cars and trucks on the wall! :) He's not crawling yet but he's trying very hard! No teeth yet, either, but he's working on those as well. It was awesome to have aunts and uncles nearby to help keep him occupied the last week.

Todd's entrance exams are the 25th and 26th, and then classes start on the 28th. Now that we're pretty much settled, he's going to concentrate his energies on preparing for the exams and continuing to prepare his organ literature. We'd sure appreciate your prayers that God would bless his efforts!

I'll definitely post some pictures as soon as I can. I need to find that charger..........in a box.........somewhere..............arg...................

Thank you again for your prayers. We miss you all so much! Please keep in touch as you're able, and we'll do the same. Love to all!

1 comment:

Heather L. said...

So good to hear from you -- thanks for sending your address and for posting this update! Glad you are settling in and will be praying for more details to fall into place!