
I hope this blog will encourage and equip you to be a wise steward of your time and resources. As I hunt for deals, I will be sure to pass on all the great ones I find. Of course you're not obligated, but if anything interests you, I would greatly appreciate your click through my links as this helps to support the work of Joyful Journeys. Happy saving!

Friday, March 4, 2011

$50 for a Month's Supply of Meat at Sam's

If you read my Couponing 101 series in which I described how I spend $200 or less per month on groceries, you will know that I usually go to Sam's to stock up on meat once a month.  Well, when I went yesterday, I found that a lot of their meat was reduced for quick sale. I saved about 33% off each package of meat!  I brought it home, divided it up, and got it in the freezer. We're set for the month, and I spent a total of $50!

Remember, shopping this way fits into the idea of buying in bulk when you can get an item at it's rock-bottom lowest price.  You save BIG time with this method.  

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