
I hope this blog will encourage and equip you to be a wise steward of your time and resources. As I hunt for deals, I will be sure to pass on all the great ones I find. Of course you're not obligated, but if anything interests you, I would greatly appreciate your click through my links as this helps to support the work of Joyful Journeys. Happy saving!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Entrance Exams

Just a quick update to let you know the schedule for the week:

Mon, Aug. 25th: Music History entrance exams
Tues: Music Theory entrance exams (5 hours!)
Tues evening: Welcome dinner party at the home of one of the profs (we're all invited)
Wed: Grad School Orientation
Thurs: Todd meets with his advisor to register for classes
Fri: First day of classes!

Please keep Todd in your prayers as you think of him. He's quite busy studying, and Joel and I are having no trouble keeping ourselves occupied, as you might imagine. =) We miss you all!

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