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Monday, September 8, 2008

Amy and Amanda come to visit!

Friday night I had the thrill of going to the Atlanta airport to pick up my sisters! Amy and Amanda came to visit for the weekend to see our new place and to go dress shopping for Andy's wedding next month. They came right in and peeked at sleeping Joel...
Then he greeted them in the morning!
Amy tried to help him with his crawling technique (we're still moving backward, not forward!).
We shopped for several hours on Saturday, and we all found dresses! Joel was a trooper to put up with all the shopping. He eventually konked out from all the excitement. :)
While Todd attended a faculty recital on Sunday afternoon, we sat down the street at a coffee and tea outdoor cafe and sipped some exotic but delicious iced tea.

And Joel enjoyed his peaches!

Before they left Sunday night we had some yummy Chipotle...
It was hard to say goodbye, but it was a wonderful visit! Thank you, girls!!

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