
I hope this blog will encourage and equip you to be a wise steward of your time and resources. As I hunt for deals, I will be sure to pass on all the great ones I find. Of course you're not obligated, but if anything interests you, I would greatly appreciate your click through my links as this helps to support the work of Joyful Journeys. Happy saving!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Coupon Lingo Explained


As I mentioned in my Couponing series, How I Spend $200 or less per Month on Groceries, you should expect a definite learning curve as you begin to coupon.  We bloggers use a lot of "coupon lingo" to save time typing, so I thought it might be helpful for you to have a key to uncode those coupon terms.  This is not an exhaustive list, so if any experienced couponers read this, feel free to add any that I may have missed.

Coupon Types:
$1/1; $1/2: One dollar off one item; one dollar off two items, etc.
2/$1: Two items for one dollar         
Blinkies: Coupons that come from a little box with a blinking light near a product in the store
Catalina: The coupons that print at the checkout register
eCoupon: Coupons you load onto your shopper's card
MFR: Manufacturer
MIR: Mail-in rebate
Peelie: Coupons that peel off an item you purchased
Q: Coupon
Tear Pad: Coupons you can tear off and use in the store

Misc Coupon Lingo
AC: After coupon
AR: After rebate
BOGO/ B1G1F:  Buy one get one free
CRT: Cash register tape (used when referring to coupons that print on your receipt, like at CVS)
DND: Do not double
Ea: Each
ETS: Excludes trial size
Exp: Expires
FAR: Free after rebate
GM: General Mills Sunday coupon insert
GC: Gift card
NED: No expiration date  (very rare coupons)
OYNO: On your next order
OOP: Out of pocket (what you paid after using your coupons, ECBs, RRs, etc.)
OOS: Out of stock
PG or P&G: Proctor and Gamble (their coupon insert is often included in the Sunday paper)
RC: Raincheck (use these when couponing!)
RP: Red Plum Sunday coupon insert
S or SS: Smart Source Sunday coupon insert
Stacking: Using a store coupon AND a MFR coupon for one item (allowed at Target, Walgreens, CVS, and some grocery stores)
Tg: Target
UPC: Univeral product code (bar code)
WAGS: Walgreens
WYB: When you buy 
WSL: While supplies last (no rainchecks) 
YMMV: Your mileage may vary (depending on your location, the deal may or may not work at your store)

Store Specific Coupon Terms
ECBs: Extra Care Bucks (CVS loyalty program: good toward next purchase)
IVC: Instant Value Coupon (Walgreens’ store coupons found in their paper or monthly savings booklets)
RRs: Walgreens’ Register Rewards (good toward next purchase)
SCR: Rite Aid’s Single Check Rebate (monthly rebates program)
+UP Reward: Rite Aid reward program (good toward next purchase)


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