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Friday, January 21, 2011

Home Organization Project #3--A Solution to the Paper Problem!

It seems as though I am constantly waging war against a monster in our home: the PAPER monster.  I have a very nice filing cabinet, and I try to deal with the mail as it comes in, but I still have stacks that pile up in my kitchen and office. It seems that there is a never-ending pile that needs attention before it can be filed away.  Thanks to a little file organizer I actually already owned and some file folders and labels, I'm feeling much better equipped to deal with my paper monster. 

Take a look at the before and after pictures of yesterday and today's project:  (Yes, I did actually deal with all the papers!)




My file labels are as follows:
My blog
To be filed
Rewards cards and gift cards
Insurance pending
Need to read

The little tags say:
Today's mail
Outgoing mail
Checks to deposit

Ahhhhh.....that feels so much better!!

Want to do your own project?  Here are a few links for similar file organizers on Amazon:

Lipper International Bamboo 2-Slot Mail Organizer

Mesh File Box (Silver) (12.5"H x 5.5"W x 9.8"D)

Or you could try an expandable file folder:
DCWV SY-025-00001 File Tote- Mi Casa

Some cute file folders:
DCWV SY-014-00001 File Folders 9 Pack, Mi Casa

1 comment:

Ruby said...

It's much enticing to work in a place that is organized. Glad to see that you made an effort to arrange your table and organize all those scattered papers. Make it a habit to place everything where they should be, so they won't clutter again in your table.

-Ruby Badcoe @ WilliamsDataManagement