
I hope this blog will encourage and equip you to be a wise steward of your time and resources. As I hunt for deals, I will be sure to pass on all the great ones I find. Of course you're not obligated, but if anything interests you, I would greatly appreciate your click through my links as this helps to support the work of Joyful Journeys. Happy saving!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

To Coupon or Not to Coupon? (Part 12)

So, we're not quite through the series yet, but I wanted to step back for a minute and get the question that you may be asking yourself out into the open.

"Should I dive in and begin couponing for real?"

I hope that I haven't made couponing seem like too daunting of a task. Sure, there's a bit of a learning curve when you get started, and it does take a couple hours each week, but is it worth it?

Let me ask you two questions. 

1) If you could increase your monthly income by $100-$300 (or maybe more), would you do it?
2) How would you spend that extra money each month?  Or would you put it in savings?

If you are currently working within a monthly budget, your answer to the second question will be more concrete.  Our family has a written, thorough budget for each month, and let me tell you, we know where the money we save through couponing is going!  What would that look like for you?  Would you put the money toward paying off any debts more quickly?  Would you put it in a savings account for a new vehicle?  The options are endless!

Don't hesitate--dive in now! Make sure you're getting your discounted Sunday paper each week so you have lots of coupons, and start saving!

Remember, a dollar saved is better than a dollar earned.  You don't have to pay tax on money you save. =)

Enjoying this series? Follow me on twitter (@andriajenise) or subscribe to my posts so you don't miss anything!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hey Andria! I started following your blog a few weeks ago but never left a note (at least that I can remember). I don't know if you remember me from HQ but I'm Kelly Pollett (now Lockwood). I worked down in the MR with Mindy most of my time there.

Anyway, I just wanted to say I've been enjoying your series. I've been couponing for over 2 years now, but I always love reading other peoples' thoughts, ideas and journeys through it. I don't know if you're already on a site, but I'm mostly over at www.weusecoupons.com If you ever are over there, be sure to drop me a note. I'm "Kelkers" and you can usually find me in the Rite Aid forum. :)

Once again, thanks for taking the time to share these posts with everyone. I know it takes a lot of time but they have been very, very good! :)