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Monday, September 15, 2008

Joel's Journeys

Well, this blog entry will be of primary interest to the grandparents, but kudos to anyone else who actually reads the whole thing! :)
The past few days have been busy ones for Joel! The first "new" thing he did was to pull himself up to a semi-standing/kneeling position in his crib.

A few days later he pulled himself up all the way (and we lowered his mattress)! I'm not so sure that he likes his new "lowered" level! (He actually wasn't mad here; he was just saying "Da da" really loudly!)
On Saturday Todd had to spend most of the day studying at the library, but when he came home, he and Joel enjoyed some great father/son time. Joel finally perfected the art of crawling! He's been managing to inch his way around for a while, but now he has real forward motion going! Look out, mom!!
Joel loves to play with daddy. He actually hit the ball back and forth with Todd--also a first! We couldn't believe it...

I was so sad to miss my brother's family "man shower" hosted by my grandparents on Saturday afternoon. Knowing how bummed I was, my grandparents decided to send the three of us out to dinner! It was an unexpected treat and a welcome study break for Todd. Thank you Papa and Gram!

On Sunday evening we noticed that Joel had popped his first tooth! Such a busy weekend for a little guy!

1 comment:

Heather L. said...

I love that last picture! you two look so good together. :)