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Monday, May 11, 2009

Fun at the Atlanta Zoo

Todd is done with his first year of school, so we finally have the opportunity to do a few fun things with him around town. We've been looking forward to taking Joel to the Atlanta Zoo, and we were able to go yesterday afternoon. We had a great time!

Somebody loves his daddy...

Todd wouldn't open his mouth to smile because he just recently got braces! He's still getting used to them...

I love how you can see the excitement in Joel's eyes!

This progression of pictures cracks me up! Joel was very excited about going into the petting zoo with the Egyptian goats. Todd laughed when he saw the second picture and said it looked like Joel was saying "Hail Hitler!" But it was more like, "Look out goats, I'm coming to get you!" Once he got up close he wasn't so sure about it, but then he got up his courage to touch one.

One of his favorite animals was the baby Panda Bear. He kept pointing at him and saying, "Bear! Bear!"

1 comment:

Heather L. said...

I can't believe how grown up Joel looks!!!! It looks like you had such a fun trip to the zoo. Definately a Hiel Hitler pose! :) I would have loved to see a panda bear -- he would have been my favorite I'm sure. Enjoy summer with no school!