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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My 30 Day Shred

Well, I can't resist telling you about my progress on one of my New Year's Goals.  I had a baby in August last year, and at the beginning of this year I still had 7 pounds to lose to get back to my "starting weight."  At a friend's recommendation I purchased Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred.  I am on day 6, and I've already lost 2 pounds.  The 20 minute workout is getting more manageable each day.  I'm still on level 1, but when I'm ready to move up there are two more levels of intensity on the DVD.

Did you make a New Year's Resolution to lose weight? There's no time like the present to get going on that task!!  Get your copy for as little as $5.98 on Amazon.  

On a side note, working out is a major incentive to watch your diet...you don't want to undo all your hard work! And I have lots more energy when I'm exercising every day.   I'll give an update as I continue through the Shred.  And let me know if you start the Shred...I'd love to help cheer you on!


Heather L. said...

I'm in the same boat as you! I've done 11 days of the Shred this year but have not lost any weight. :( :( But I do feel more energetic and more "fit" so that is okay. I will keep going. I'm pleased with the dvd.

Andria said...

I bet you didn't notice it on the scale because of the muscle you gained. You definitely build muscle on the Shred! Way to go!

Rachael said...

Andria, do you think it would be a doable workout for me heading into my third trimester? I can't do a lot tricky moves but regular cardio/aerobic types of workouts seem okay...I've thought about getting this before and $7 is a great price! Thanks:)

Andria said...

Oh...maybe...but I don't think I would be so ambitious to try it at that stage myself. I would think something a little less impact would be better when you're expecting. There are lots of aerobic moves and tummy toners like crunches. It's great for after pregnancy! But I tried it a bit too soon after having Nathan and had to wait a while (for physical reasons). Anyway, way to go on working out when you're expecting! You probably won't have to do as much work later. =)

Julie said...

I'm also doing the 30 day shred. Love it! Although, I don't do it everyday and I'm doing it more to get in shape then lose weight, I actually haven't stepped on a scale in some time! But overall a great work out. I'm getting pretty good at level 2 and did try level 3 the other day. Your endurance definitely does get better as time goes on, it is a GREAT work out!